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发布: 2010-9-20 20:34 |  作者: Beach |   |  查看: 106次

在奢侈品牌方面,尽管全球经济低迷,但路易威登(第16位)、古驰(第44位)、爱马仕(第69位)、蒂芙尼(第76位) 、卡地亚(第77位)以及阿玛尼(第95位)等均以持续投资强化其品牌传统以及不可替代的品牌地位而保持了品牌价值的持续增长。

Our core offering is a web-based system that enables clients to house and distribute their brand guidelines and assets in a central repository that is then accessible, as needed, to a select group worldwide.

Building on that, our Wizard technology automates the process of collateral creation by allowing customization at the local or end-user level, while maintaining control and consistency at the corporate level.

Our solutions are currently used around the world by clients such as Mercedes, ExxonMobil, AT&T, Hyatt, Barclays, National Geographic Society, General Motors, American Cancer Society, Office Depot, Rio Tinto, Thomson Reuters, New York Life, and Tyco.

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